Comparison Of Cooperative Learning Models With Inquiry on Student Learning Outcomes

Volume 4 Issue 2
Iftitakhul Ilmi Nasibhul Janah Waspodo Tjipto Subroto
Pages: 178-182 Download Count : 2335 View Count: 2324 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.517995 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


Purpose of this study was to find out how the learning outcomes of class X Marketing students on business communication material using cooperative-based learning models, knowing how to learn Marketing class X students on business communication material using inquiry-based learning models, find out whether there are differences in learning outcomes of class X Marketing students on business communication material with cooperative learning and inquiry models. It is said that cooperative learning models are due to teaching strategies designed to educate group cooperation and interaction between students. While the inquiry learning model is learning that is centered on the activities of students to find their own experiences and knowledge. The design of this study is pre-test, treatment of learning models, and post-test. The results of this study are that there are differences in the learning outcomes of experimental class 1 students (X Pm 1) with an average value of 74.75 and experimental class 2 (X Pm 2) with an average value of 77.00. And the calculation using the t-test obtained tcount= 2.086> ttable = 0.39. Based on the results of these studies it can be concluded that the experimental class 2 which uses the inquiry learning model is better than the experimental class 1 which uses the cooperative learning model.


  • Comparison of cooperative learning models with inquiry and student learning outcomes
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