Developing Instrument Assessment of Student’s Process Skills in Physics Learning Based on Local Wisdom

Volume 4 Issue 4
Allivna Mundilarto
Pages: 489-495 Download Count : 2158 View Count: 2353 DOI Number . Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


The aim of this research is to produce instrument of student process skill assessment on project learning based on local wisdom gasing bamboo. The process skill assessment instrument is an observation sheet. The method used in this study refers to Mardapi development. The research step is to arrange instrument specification, write manuscript, study instrument, instrument test, instrument analysis and instrument revision. The instrument is validated by 10 validators for analysis through Aiken V and uses eduG-6e to calculate its reliability. The conclusion in this research is generated instrument of assessment process with its validity range between 0,73 until 1.00 and its reliability value equal to 1.00.


  • Assesment instrument
  • local wisdom
  • project physics learning.
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