Need Analysis of Learning Model of History Integrated with Leadership Values of Mangkunegara I through Reflective Pedagogy Paradigm

Volume 4 Issue 4
Yoel Kurnawan RAHARJO Sariyatun Warto
Pages: 617-623 Download Count : 1768 View Count: 1898 DOI Number 10.24331/ijere.628436 Facebook Share on Google+ Save to Zotero Save to Mendeley


History learning has strategic objectives as the formation of dignified national character and civilization. This is inseparable from the function of history learning as transfer of knowledge and transfer of values. However, the strategic objectives and functions in the field are not achieved because of two issues, namely non-innovative learning models and inappropriate learning approaches. This study wanted to observe the conditions of history larning occurred at school. The location of the research was at SMA Kolese De Britto, Yogyakarta. This school was chosen because it had the characteristics, namely leadership based school and the learning approach, namely reflective pedagogy paradigm. This study used the qualitative method with the approach of case study. The techniques of collecting data included deep interview, study of literature, questionnaire and observation. The objectives of this study were 1) to observe the history learning at school, 2) to analyze the product need of the learning model of history. The result of the research showed that it was necessary to have the product of the learning model of history integrated with the leadership values of Mangkunegara I through Reflective Pedagogy Paradigm in accordance with the characteristic of the school, namely “leadership” based school


  • Need Analysis
  • history learning model
  • leadership values
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